Saturday, June 2, 2012

Not the Berlin wall

Consider the topic of building a concrete wall from Los Palomas Wildlife management area, Tx. to the sunny beaches of San Diego Ca.; this will solve many economic and social woes. This wall must then be militarized with orders to shoot to kill anyone who even gets close to the wall. The vision and stench of dead bodies will quickly become a deterrent for illegal immigrants attempting to infest this country.  Provide no aid!

 The first economic woe to partially self- correct will be, obviously, unemployment. Two thousand miles of concrete is a lot of concrete and a lot of work. This will come at a cost of a mere two billion dollars. The completion of this wall will necessitate employment of thousands of new careers for Americans. This will come at the laughable price of a couple million dollars per year. This is not too much to pay for a little security for those 911 pussies. After all, the 911 commission report stated that two of terrorists crossed at the southern border. The flip side of employment is that a few prison guards may lose their jobs. According to the G.A.O. in 2001, the cost of incarceration for criminal aliens in federal prisons alone was $950 million, while in 2004 the cost was $1.2 billion. Those two years alone could have finished the wall. All the years between and since would more than cover cost over-runs, such as wages, costs, and electricity, for future decades.

Many people sympathize with the plight of the illegal immigrants as though they were contributing members of society, such as the views expressed by Chris Schefler:

Refuting claims made by Chris Schefler, based on estimates by The New York Times and the  2005 census; claims that in ten major labor fields, 5.071 million laborers toil unauthorized in this country. Noticeably, hotels and restaurants are not on the list. It should also be noted that the census bureau estimates that merely one half of the illegals admitted their status. If these illegals were rightfully and legally deported, ten million jobs would open-up to the Americans who deserve, and are entitled to those jobs. This would reduce unemployment below 5%, unheard of as of late. The employers know the Mexicans are illegal. Lt. Governor of California and Attorney General of the United States must be two really shitty jobs.

Furthermore, the Department of Homeland Security estimates the annual cost of illegal immigration at $113 BILLION. The average cost to a real American taxpayer is $1117 each. ‘Educating’ the ‘anchor babies’ is the single largest cost to the taxpayer to the tune of $52 BILLION! The cost of a wall: $2 billion. Simple math alone, should have had the wall built years ago.

This leads to the healthcare issue. So many Mexicans crossed the border for free healthcare. They played a large part in the bankruptcy of the state of California. 2.6 million Illegals make a lot of anchor babies. The babies are not the worst part. Annually, hospitals near the southern border take nearly 7000 new cases of Leprosy and 16,000 new cases of Tuberculosis “while insured, paying, legal residences must wait behind them in line.” (Wooldridge)  71 hospitals have closed down in California because of uninsured people using emergency rooms.  Over 50% of the uninsured are illegal immigrants. (LaJeunesse) America can absorb some under-insured, non-paying patients, but the illegals are flooding the system and a dam needs to be built to quell the carnage.

The mental health and psychological well-being of anchor babies born to illegal immigrants is an issue which is under-addressed by the government. The illegals stay because of laws that allow relatives to stay. Whether the parents are to stay or to be deported, someone must decide what is in the best interest for the child’s psychological and physical well-being. It has always been the decision of the parents to decide what is best for the child. If the parents are to be deported, they must make the decision whether to take the child back to their country or leave it with legal relatives.  The best interest of the child is the only thing that matters. The decision concerning the mental health and well-being of the child must be addressed by the parents.

It is absurd to think that a person with an I.Q. on the positive range of zero would not realize that illegal immigration must be reversed. The carrot must be removed from the stick and the stick be implemented in solving the problem.  If illegal immigration is not quelled, and soon; America will transform into a third world country like the land from which this infestation originates.  Many in this country tout: ‘this is a country of laws.’  If Mexicans do not have to follow immigration laws, then U.S. citizens do not have to obey the drunken driving laws.  Any cracker drunk may then smash his car into the illegal and kill him, enter his house, take his possessions, rape his wife, and eat his food.  While in there, he can off those damn anchor babies and “reduce the surplus population.” (Charles Dickens) “We don’t need no stinkin’ badges.” (Cheech Marin)

Web Editor:  Vernellia R. Randall Professor of Law  The University of Dayton

 Compiled by Chris Schefler

Chris Schefler's Home Page

R. Michael Alvarez

Tara L. Butterfield

California Institute of Technology

September 25, 1997

Illegal immigration from:

All countries . . . . . . .       8,460,000             10,490,000           11,310,000           11,780,000           11,600,000           10,750,000                 10,790,000

Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,680,000             5,970,000             6,570,000             6,980,000             7,030,000             6,650,000                 6,640,000

El Salvador . . . . . . . . .     430,000                 470,000                 510,000                 540,000                 570,000                 530,000                 620,000

Guatemala . . . . . . . . .

Dept. homeland sec.

Illegal immigration to:

All states . . . . . . . . . 8,460,000 10,490,000 11,310,000 11,780,000 11,600,000 10,750,000 10,790,000

California . . . . . . . . . . . 2,510,000 2,770,000 2,790,000 2,840,000 2,850,000 2,600,000 2,570,000

Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,090,000 1,360,000 1,620,000 1,710,000 1,680,000 1,680,000 1,770,000

Florida . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800,000 850,000 960,000 960,000 840,000 720,000 760,000

Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440,000 520,000 530,000 560,000 550,000 540,000 490,000

Arizona . . . . . . . . . . . . 330,000 480,000 490,000 530,000 560,000 460,000 470,000

New York . . . . . . . . . . . 540,000 560,000 510,000 640,000 640,000 550,000 460,000

New Jersey . . . . . . . . . 350,000 380,000 420,000 470,000 400,000 360,000 370,000

Illegal Immigration Statistics

o             $113,000,000,000 - This year's cost of US illegal immigration. Approximately 75% of that cost is absorbed by the states.

o             $1117 - The average amount you and your family paid in taxes this year to support illegals.

o             $52,000,000,000 - The cost of educating the children of illegals. This is by far the single largest cost to the American taxpayer.

o             $2,700 - The average dollar amount a single illegal household.    

o             51% - The percentage of Mexican immigrant households that use at least one major welfare program. 28% use more than one.

o             1,400,000- The number of illegal immigrant households that use at least one major welfare program. (food stamps, WIC, school lunch, Medicaid, TANF, SSI, and public/rent-subsidized housing)

Dept. homeland sec

o             “Illegal Immigration is a Crime.” American Patrol Reference Archive. N.p., 11 Jun. 2006. Web. 13 Oct 2010. 05/25/2012

o             LaJeunesse, William. “L.A. Emergency Rooms Full of Illegal Immigrants.” Fox News. N.p., 18 Mar. 2005. Web. 21 Oct 2010. 05/25/2012

o             Passel, Jeffrey, Randolph Capps, and Michael Fix. “Undocumented Immigrants: Facts and Figures.” Urban Institute. N.p., 12 Jan. 2004. Web. 20 Oct 2010. 05/25/2012

o             “Study Shows Illegal Immigrants From Mexico Staying Put Despite Overall Decline.” Fox News. Fox News, 02 Sep. 2010. Web. 20 Oct 2010. 05/25/2012

o             Wooldridge, Frosty. “DAY WITHOUT ILLEGAL ALIENS .” News With Views. N.p., 25 Sep. 2006. Web. 13 Oct 2010.    05/25/2012

o             In Los Angels County new emergency room cases from illegal immigrants cost taxpayers more that: $500 per tax payer in 2004. Fox News says that “In Los Angeles County, patients can wait four days for a hospital bed and up to two years for gallbladder surgery”.. Insured, law abiding citizens must wait behind illegal immigrants for up to two years with these symptoms because of laws we have in place. In addition, 71 hospitals have closed down in California because of uninsured people using emergency rooms. Over 50% of the uninsured are illegal immigrants. (LaJeunesse)

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